On This Day - 22nd July Prev / Next

Monday July 22 1861
  • Brig. Gen. Barnard Elliott Bee, CSA, dies in his cabin headquarters from wounds received yesterday at the Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas, VA.
  • Brig. Gen. William J. Hardee, CSA, assumes the command of the Confederate forces in Northwestern Arkansas.
  • Skirmish at Etna, MO.
  • Skirmish at, and occupation of, Forsyth, MO, by Brig. Gen. Thomas Sweeny, USA.
  • The Pro-South Governor of Missouri, Claiborne Jackson, declares his administration is the only legal ruling body of Missouri, even though the Missouri State Convention votes to abstain from leaving the Union.
  • Maj. Gen. George Brinton McClellan, USA, is ordered to Washington, DC.
Tuesday July 22 1862
  • Micah Jenkins, CSA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Engagement with the CSS Arkansas, about Vicksburg, MS, by the USS Essex, and the Union ram, Queen of the West, both Union vessels retiring with damage.
  • Skirmish at Florida, MO.
  • Col. John Hunt Morgan, CSA, arrives at Livingston, TN, after his foray into Kentucky.
  • The following Union Major Generals assume command in the Dept. of Virginia:
    • Gen. John A. Dix, USA, 7th US Army Corps.
    • Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside, USA, 9th US Army Corps.
  • Federal reconnaissance to James City and Madison Court-House, VA, with Brig. Gen. George D. Bayard, USA. (Jul 22-24)
  • Federal scout in King William, King and Queen, and Gloucester Counties, VA. (Jul 22-30)
  • Federal reconnaissances from Luray to Columbia Bridge White House Ford, VA.
  • Affair at Verdon, VA, with Maj. Gen. JEB Stuart's, CSA, Cavalry.
  • Affair near Westover, VA.
Wednesday July 22 1863
  • Federal expedition from Clinton, KY, in the pursuit of Biffle's, Forrest's, and Newsom's Confederate cavalry. (Jul 22-27)
  • Brashear City, LA, is reoccupied by the Union forces.
  • Skirmish at Scupperton, NC, with Brig. Gen. Edward E. Potter, USA.
  • Skirmish at Eagleport, OH, with Brig. Gen. John Morgan, CSA.
  • Federal scout in Sequatchie Valley, TN.
Friday July 22 1864
  • Skirmish near Pine Bluff, AR, with the Yankees surprising the Rebels, destroying a large amount of provisions and medical supplies.
  • The Battle of Atlanta, GA, as Gen. John B. Hood, CSA, is unsuccessful in defeating Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, USA, with a flank attack by Lieut. Gen. William Hardee, CSA, on the Army of the Tennessee, led by Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, USA, again losing 3 to 4 men for every Union loss. Total casualties approximate 12,000.
  • Maj. Gen. William Henry Talbot Walker, CSA, is mortally wounded during the Battle of Atlanta, GA, instantly shot dead by a Federal picket of the 16th US Army Corps, during Lieut. Gen. William J. Hardee, CSA, attack on the Federal left wing.
  • Brig. Gen. Samuel Benton, CSA, is mortally wounded at the Battle of Atlanta, GA, struck near the heart with an artillery shell fragment and also having his foot amputated.
  • Maj. Gen. James Birdseye McPherson, USA, is mortally wounded at the Battle of Atlanta, GA, while riding upon his horse, he tried to reach his command whose position had been overrun by the Confederates.
  • Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, USA, succeeds Maj. Gen. James B. McPherson, USA, in the command of the Army of the Tennessee.
  • Garrard's raid to Covington, GA. (Jul 22-24)
  • Skirmish at Concordia, LA.
  • Skirmish near Vidalia, LA.
  • Skirmish at Coldwater River, MS.
  • Skirmishes with guerrillas near Camden Point and Union Mills, Western MO.
  • Skirmish in Wright County, MO.
  • President Jefferson Davis' orders the Confederate armies of the Trans-Mississippi to aid the Army of Tennessee, Gen. John B. Hood, CSA. The Confederates, under Lieut. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, CSA, attempt to transfer their troops to the east bank of the Mississippi River. It can't be done due to the Federal gunboats patrolling the Mississippi. Instead, Kirby Smith moves with Maj. Gen. Sterling Price in his operations against Maj. Gen. Frederick Steele, USA. (Jul 22-Aug 22)
  • Skirmishes at Clifton, TN. (Jul 22-23)
  • Skirmish near Berryville, VA.
  • Skirmish at Newtown, VA.
  • Maj. Gen. Edward O. C. Ord, USA, assumes the command of the 18th US Army Corps, the Richmond, VA, Campaign.
Saturday July 22 1865
  • James Hughes Stokes, USA, is appointed Brig. Gen.

On This Day information kindly provided by Martin Cross, 2nd U.S. Artillery, Bty B.