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On This Day - 160 Years Ago (More ...)

Tuesday February 12 1861
  • The US Ordnance at Napoleon, AR, is seized by the Arkansas state troops there.
  • Both Lincoln and Davis speak out on secession, Davis in Mississippi, and Lincoln, at Cincinnati, OH.
Wednesday February 12 1862
  • Howell Cobb, CSA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • George Wythe Randolph, CSA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Henry Morris Naglee, USA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Skirmish at Springfield, MO, with Brig. Gen. Samuel Curtis, USA.
  • Brig. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside's Federal forces occupy Edenton, NC, as the Confederates evacuate.
  • The Siege and Capture of Fort Donelson, TN, with Brig. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, USA, surrounding the fort, as well as Dover, TN, while Federal gunboats prepare to attack from the Cumberland River. (Feb 12-16)
  • Skirmish at Moorefield, WV.
Thursday February 12 1863
  • The USS Conestoga captures two Confederate steamers on the White River, AR.
  • Federal operations on Bayou Plaquemine and Atchafalaya River, LA. (Feb 12-28)
  • The Queen of the West destroys a Confederate supply train along the Red River, LA.
  • Federal expedition from Batchelder's Creek and skirmish (Feb 13) at Sandy Ridge, NC, to ascertain the strength of the Rebels, with the capture of some Confederate smallarms. (Feb 12-13)
  • Union forces are defeated at Bolivar, TN, in a skirmish.
  • Federal expedition from Belle Plain, aboard the steamer, Edwin Lewis, to Mattox Creek, Currioman and Nomini Bays, VA. (Feb 12-14)
  • Federal expedition from Pratt's Landing, aboard the steamer, Alice Price, down the Potomac to the Coan River and Heathsville, VA, and the destruction of 5 small rebel vessels.
  • Skirmishes near Smithfield and Charlestown, WV.
  • The capture and later destruction of the Yankee clipper Jacob Bell, with cargo valued at over $2 million by the CSS Florida, in the Caribbean Sea, West Indies.
Friday February 12 1864
  • Charles William Field, C.S.A., is appointed Maj. Gen.
  • Federal expedition from Batesville, AR, after Col. Freeman's command. Much activity including the jayhawkers who were captured were executed by rifle squad. Forage is becoming hard to come by. (Feb 12-20)
  • Skirmish at Caddo Gap, AR.
  • Skirmish at Holly Springs, MS, the Meridian, MS, Expedition.
  • Affair at Wall Hill, MS, the Meridian, MS, Expedition.
  • Affair 4 miles west of the California House, MO, where bushwackers attack the stagecoach, but are repelled.
  • Skirmish at Macon, MO.
  • Skirmish at Rock House, WV.
Sunday February 12 1865
  • Skirmish at Waterloo, AL.
  • Skirmish 20 miles north of Lewisburg, AR, as a Yankee column of 100 men attacked the guerrilla Capt. Jeff Williams at his home, terminating his existence on this earth.
  • Federal operations about Forts Riley and Larned, KS, with little excitement. (Feb 12-20)
  • Skirmish near Columbia, MO, as the Yankees attacked Jim Carter's camp, killing 3 and wounding the rest of the guerrilla outlaws.
  • Skirmish at Macon, MO.
  • Skirmishes at the North Edisto River, SC, as Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, USA, continues on his March northward toward Columbia, SC, causing vast destruction along the way. (Feb 12-13)

On This Day information kindly provided by Martin Cross, 2nd U.S. Artillery, Bty B.

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