On This Day - 30th July Prev / Next

Tuesday July 30 1861
  • The Missouri State Convention votes 56-25 to elect a new governor (Pro-Union).
Wednesday July 30 1862
  • Affair with Indians at Miller's Ranch, near Elk Camp, CA.
  • Maj. Gen. Theopilus Holmes, CSA, assumes the command of the Confederate Trans-Mississippi Department.
  • Skirmish at Paris, KY.
  • Skirmish at Clark's Mill, Chariton County, MO.
  • Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, USA, is ordered to remove his sick, from Harrison's Landing, VA, as this is the initial effort of plans to remove the Army of the Potomac back towards Washington, DC.
  • Federal reconnaissance from Harrison's Landing to Jones' Ford, or Coggin's Point, Chickahominy River, VA.
Thursday July 30 1863
  • Maj. Gen. George Crockett Strong, USA, dies in New York City, NY, from lockjaw, which developed from his battle wound received Jul 18, while leading the Union assault on Battery (Fort) Wagner, SC.
  • Skirmish near Elm Springs, AR.
  • A peace treaty is signed with bands of the Shoshone Indians at Fort Boise, in the Snake River Country, the Idaho Territory.
  • Skirmish at Irvine, KY, as Col. John S. Scott's Confederate Raid into Eastern Kentucky continues.
  • Skirmish near Lexington, MO.
  • Skirmish at Marshall, MO.
  • Confederate expedition to Barnwell's Island, SC, where they capture 31 Negroes.
  • Skirmish at Grand Junction, TN.
Saturday July 30 1864
  • William Mahone, C.S.A., is appointed Maj. Gen.
  • Victor Jean Baptiste Girardey, CSA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • David Addison Weisiger, USA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • The following are appointed Union Brigadier Generals:
    • William Worth Belknap, USA
    • Luther Prentice Bradley, USA
    • Joseph Alexander Cooper, USA
    • William Grose, USA
    • James William Reilly, USA
    • John Wilson Sprague, USA
    • Charles Carroll Walcutt, USA
  • Skirmish at Paint Rock Station, AL.
  • Skirmish at Hay Station, No. 3, near Brownsville, AR, as the Rebel attack is repulsed, but they take some civilians hostage.
  • Skirmish near Pine Bluff, AR, as the Federal party sent to repair the cut telegraph wires are attacked and return to camp.
  • Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum, USA, is assigned to the command of the 20th US Army Corps, GA.
  • Skirmish at Bayou Tensas, LA.
  • Affair at Emmitsburg, MD.
  • Skirmish at Monocacy Junction, MD.
  • The Confederate Burning of Chambersburg, PA, is ordered by Brig. Gen. John McCausland, CSA, Cavalry, after the town could not or would not raise the $500,000 (or $100,000 in gold) assessment for the destruction of property in the Shenandoah Valley by Maj. Gen. David Hunter, USA.
  • Skirmish at McConnellsburg, PA, with Early's Cavalry and the Union cavalry under Brig. Gen. William W. Averell, USA.
  • Federal scout against guerrillas in Phelps and Maries Counties, MO. (Jul 30-Aug 1)
  • Skirmish at Clifton, TN.
  • Brownsville, TX, is reoccupied by the Confederate forces.
  • Skirmish at Lee's Mill, VA.
  • The Explosion of the mine and the Assault on the Crater, the Petersburg Line, VA, that results in a Union disaster due in part to Brig. Gen. James H. Ledlie's failure to take command of the advancing troops. The mine had taken a month to dig, was almost 2000 feet in length and packed with explosives, killing almost 300 Confederates when it was detonated who are blown to bits. Maj. Gen. William Mahone, CSA, responds and inflicts 4,000 Union casualties, while the Rebels sustain 1,500, the Richmond, VA, Campaign.
  • Skirmish near Shepherdstown, WV.
Sunday July 30 1865
  • Brig. Gen. George Wright, USA, drowns at sea off the coast of Northern California in the wreck of the steamship, Brother Jonathan.

On This Day information kindly provided by Martin Cross, 2nd U.S. Artillery, Bty B.