On This Day - 18th August Prev / Next

Sunday August 18 1861
  • The Confederate privateer, Jefferson Davis, runs aground and sinks off St. Augustine, FL.
  • Skirmish at Sandy Hook, MD.
  • Federal scout to Accotink, and skirmish at the Pohick Church, VA, about 12 miles south of Alexandria, VA, with the 1st NY Cavalry, sent by Brig. Gen. William B. Franklin, USA.
Monday August 18 1862
  • Affair at Milliken's Bend, LA, and the capture of the Confederate steamer Fair Play, near Bolivar, MS.
  • The Sioux Indian ambush of Union troops at Redwood Ferry, MN.
  • Skirmish at White Oak Ridge, MO.
  • Col. R. Mason, 71st OH, surrenders Clarksville, TN, to the Confederate forces, without a fight, and is relieved of command.
  • Skirmish near Dyersburg, TN, with the rout of small band of rebels.
  • The capture of 2 Rebel steamboats, on the Tennessee River, near Waggoner's and Walker's Landing.
  • The Union Army of Virginia retires to the north bank of the Rappahannock River, VA, and awaits reinforcements from the Army of the Potomac. (Aug 18-19)
  • Skirmishes near Rapidan Station and on Clark's Mountain, VA.
  • Skirmish at Huttonsville, WV.
Tuesday August 18 1863
  • Henry Brevard Davidson, CS A, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Skirmish near Albany, KY.
  • Skirmish near Crab Orchard, KY.
  • Skirmish with Indians at Pueblo Colorado, the New Mexico Territory.
  • Skirmish near Pasquotank, NC.
  • Skirmish at Bristoe Station, VA.
  • President Abraham Lincoln test fires the new Spencer Repeating Carbine in the park, Washington, DC.
Thursday August 18 1864
  • Eli Long, USA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Skirmish at Benton, AR, as the Confederate Cavalry which temporarily occupied Benton, is driven off in a hurry.
  • Skirmishes near Pine Bluff, AR.
  • Maj. Gen. Judson H. Kilpatrick's, USA, Cavalry raid from Sandtown to Lovejoy's Station, in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Macon and Western Railroad, as Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, USA, attempts to force the Confederates out of Atlanta, GA, with combats at:
    • Camp Creek (Aug 18)
    • Red Oak (Aug 19)
    • Flint River (Aug 19)
    • Jonesborough (Aug 19)
    • Lovejoy's Station (Aug 20), GA.
      (Aug 18-22)
  • Skirmish at Charleston, TN.
  • Skirmish at Opequon Creek, VA, as Lieut. Gen. Jubal Early, CSA, attempts to head off Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan's, USA, March to Harper's Ferry, WV.
  • The Battle of the Weldon Railroad (including combats at Globe Tavern, Yellow House, and Blick's Station), VA, as Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, USA, sends the 5th US Army Corps, under Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, westward outside Petersburg, in an attempt to surround Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA, in Petersburg, the Richmond, VA, Campaign. (Aug 18-21)
Friday August 18 1865
No events on this date.

On This Day information kindly provided by Martin Cross, 2nd U.S. Artillery, Bty B.