The American Civil War Society Ltd (a company limited by guarantee, number 2610962) hereby gives NOTICE that it's AGM will be held on Saturday 3rd December 2022, starting at 1pm prompt via Zoom (virtually).
If you are a current member and have any nominations for posts of Directors or Army Commanders of the Society and/or you have any agenda items appropriate for the AGM, then put them in writing as soon as possible addressed to The Secretary, ACWS Ltd, PO Box 270, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE37 9BX. These MUST be received at this location by NO LATER than Thursday 6th October 2022.
Nominations for other than existing post holders have to be signed by the nominee and proposed by at least one other current member, who must also sign the nomination. The nominee may submit a short address for circulation to the membership to support their candidature.
The current directors standing for re-election as at the date of this notice are:
- Chairperson: Helen Gibson
- Secretary: Linda Reed
- Treasurer: Ian Morris
- Membership: Claire Morris
- Webmaster: Mike Bussey
- Health & Safety: Frank Mair
Mr Stephen Griffin (Communications) is not standing for re-election.
Mr Roger Willison-Gray (Marketing) is not standing for re-election, this post is being retired therefore no nominations are being sought for this position.
Catherine Conyard will be standing for election for the post of Events Director after being co-opted into the position during the 2022 season.
The current two Army Commanders are standing for re-election as at the date of this notice:
- Federal Commander: Tim Davies
- Confederate Commander: Glenn Gibson
Once relevant inputs have been received, the AGM Agenda can be put together, with guidelines regarding "Zoom", and the appropriate documentation can be sent to you before the AGM.
Please note, only current members of ACWS are entitled to vote at the AGM or to submit proxy forms. Members attending the virtual meeting are asked to have their membership cards to hand to help validation, on-line admission and voting if necessary.
For and on behalf of the Board,
Linda Reed
Company Secretary and Director
22nd August 2022
However, you all need to make sure either Mike Bussey or Claire Morris have your correct, up-to-date e-mail address for this to happen. If you fail to do this then you will not get the AGM papers or proxy vote form.
Please make sure we have the right information by NO LATER than Sunday 25th September 2022.