The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on Saturday 5th December 2021 starting at 1pm prompt virtually via Zoom.
- An explanation of voting via Zoom
- Apologies for absence.
- To approve the Minutes of the 2020 AGM
held virtually via Zoom on Saturday 5th December 2020, as published in the next following edition of the ACWS newsletter.
- To receive the reports of the Directors and Officers for the 2021 season as annexed:-
- Secretary: Mrs L Reed
- Webmaster: Mr M Bussey
- Events: Mrs C Mitchell
- Treasurer: Mr I Morris
- Membership: Miss C Morris
- CS Commander: Mr G Gibson
- US Commander: Mr T Davies
- Communications: Mr S Griffin
- Health & Safety: Dr F Mair
- Marketing: Mr R Willison-Gray
- Chairperson: Mrs H Gibson
- To receive the audited Accounts.
Final Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet as annexed for Financial Year ended 30th September 2021. Treasurer will advise the meeting of any adjustments/observations from our Accountants.
- To re-appoint Bright Partnership Chartered Accountants as Auditors of the Company & to authorise the Directors to settle their remuneration.
- Membership & Registration Fees for the 2022 Season.
For 2022, the Board of Directors recommend that the membership and registration fees remain on the same level but reserve the right to adjust registration fees as per ACWS Bye-Law B.9.
- Election of Board of Directors
The following Directors are standing for re-election for the 2022 Season unopposed:-
- Chairperson: Mrs H Gibson
- Secretary: Mrs L Reed
- Treasurer: Mr I Morris
- Membership: Miss C Morris
- Communications: Mr S Griffin
- Health & Safety: Dr F Mair
- Webmaster: Mr M Bussey
- Marketing: Mr R Willison-Gray
- Election of Mr T Davies to the position of Federal Army Commander & as a Director
By the members of the Federal Army.
- Election of Mr G Gibson to the position of Confederate Army Commander & as a Director
By the members of the Confederate Army.
- No other candidates came forward by the due date.
- NOTE - the voting papers at the meeting and the Proxy votes will be for individual candidates – i.e. NO "block votes".
- Events update
- Events Director & Minutes Secretary
- OPEN FORUM : Members question time, comments and suggestions
- To transact ANY OTHER BUSINESS of an Annual General Meeting
- Events Director & Minutes Secretary
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Linda Reed
Company Secretary and Director
3rd November 2021
Members questions for the AGM may be sent in advance in writing, if you cannot attend, or put forward from the floor on the day at appropriate points in the Agenda, at the Chair's discretion.
Members are asked to have their Membership Cards for the virtual AGM for the purposes of validating admission and/or for voting, if needed.
Please make sure you use your vote. Either use your proxy votes (if you are NOT attending the AGM) whether delivered to you electronically or in paper form or, better still, come to the AGM and vote in person. HAVE YOUR SAY. Remember, this your Society.
Any proxy form votes by members NOT attending this AGM MUST be returned to the Company Secretary, OR e-mailed using the ACWS website, if you are voting electronically, as instructed in the electronic voting guidance notes, to be received NO LATER than Wednesday 1st December.
Either (if by post) AT:-
- Linda Reed
- Secretary ACWS Ltd
- PO Box 270
- Tyne & Wear
- NE37 9BX
Those who do send in Proxy Votes and who find that they can attend the Meeting, you are of course very welcome, but please advise the Secretary of this before the Meeting starts, so that the records can be sorted out and a true vote registered.
Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.
Linda Reed
Company Secretary and Director
3rd November 2021