On This Day - 14th August Prev / Next

Wednesday August 14 1861
  • James William Denver, USA, is appointed Brig. Gen.
  • Martial law is declared in Saint Louis, MO, by Maj. Gen. John Charles Fremont, USA.
  • Brig. Gen. Earl Van Dorn, CSA, is relieved from, and Brig. Gen. Paul O. Hebert, CSA, is assigned to, the command of the Confederate forces in Texas.
  • The 79th NY Regiment mutinies in the Army of the Potomac, due to lack of furloughs.
Thursday August 14 1862
  • Skirmish near Barry, MO, with the Union burning of suspected guerrillas' homes.
  • Federal expedition from Ozark to Forysth, MO. (Aug 14-17)
  • Federal reconnaissance from Newport to Swansborough, NC, with Col. Charles A. Heckman, 9th NJ Infantry. (Aug 14-15)
  • Skirmish near Mount Pleasant, TN, with guerrillas.
  • The 3d and 5th US Army Corps move from Harrison's Landing for Aquia Creek, VA, aboard US transports. (Aug 14-15)
  • Operations of the Federal Cavalry covering the rear of the Army of of the Potomac from Harrison's Landing to Williamsburg, VA. (Aug 14-19)
Friday August 14 1863
  • Brig. Gen. Thomas Welsh, USA, dies in Cincinnati, OH, from camp fever, (malaria) contracted during the Vicksburg, MS campaign, June, 1863.
  • Skirmish at West Point, AR.
  • Skirmish near Jack's Fork, MO.
  • Skirmish near Wellington, MO, with bushwackers.
  • Federal siege of Washington, NC.
  • Federal scout in the Bull Run Mountains near Aldie and the village of Landmark, VA, returning by way of Hopewell Gap.
  • The Confederate Cavalry capture of the Vine-Tree Signal Station, VA, with all the Union men and horses except for the officer in charge.
  • Federal scout to Winchester, VA, to ascertain the movements of the Rebels and retrieve large quantities of supplies and telegraph wire collected by Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army, but who left it behind in their hurried exit from Winchester.
  • Maj. Gen. John J. Peck, USA, assumes the command of the 11th US Army Corps, the Army of the Potomac, VA.
Sunday August 14 1864
  • Federal scout from Mayfield, KY, and skirmish 2.5 miles from town at Bethel Church where Rebels were playing a card game with an old Union man. After taking $250 from him, they were intent on killing him when the game was over, but the Federals arrived to break up their scheme. (Aug 14-15)
  • Skirmish at Lamar, MS, with Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA, and Brig. Gen. Joseph A. Mower, USA.
  • Skirmish near Strasburg, VA, as Lieut. Gen. Jubal Early, CSA, and Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, USA, continue to spar.
  • Maj. Gen. John G. Parke, USA, is placed in the command of the 9th US Army Corps, the Richmond, VA Campaign.
Monday August 14 1865
No events on this date.

On This Day information kindly provided by Martin Cross, 2nd U.S. Artillery, Bty B.