With the left hand turn the musket to the right so that the lock plate is facing to the front. With the right hand grasp the small of the stock. Bring the piece, vertically, in front of the body, turning the barrel towards the body. With the left hand grasp the musket, thumb is just above the lock plate, keeping the elbow close to the side and forearm horizontal with the ground.


With the right hand turn the musket so that the barrel is now facing out. Raise the musket and place against the left shoulder. Grasp the butt with the left hand and drop the right hand to the side. When done correctly, there should not be any raising or lowering of the musket with the left hand.


Lower the left arm and with the right hand grasp the musket just above the lower band. Bring the musket to the right side, vertically with the rammer to the front, the butt three inches from the ground. Let the musket gently slip to the ground, then grasp the barrel with the thumb and forefinger, arm extended, and the muzzle about two inches from the shoulder.

This is the same position as for ATTENTION - COMPANY.


At this command the soldiers are not required to remain silent or steady. However, they shall not quit their rank without special permission.


This command is issued to pass from the position of REST, to one of silence and steadiness. On COMPANY, the men will return to the position of Order-Arms and remain firm and silent.


With the right hand raise the musket vertically, turning the barrel to the front and place it against the left shoulder. Grasp the butt with the left palm and slide the right hand down to the lock. Then drop the right hand to the size

Ordered Arms Present Arms